How can teachers improve knowledge transfer in the classroom? In this study, researchers examine the effects of various tests on students’ knowledge transfer. The results highlight an effective strategy that teachers can use to improve learning outcomes. This study (Foss et al., 2023) examined the influence of a series of tests on students’ ability to transfer acquired knowledge in university courses to new contexts.Focuses on the effects of...
Is your teaching approach tailored to the needs of each student? Sometimes “it is not the program itself that presents a challenge, but something [in the student] that is not up to the educational challenge” (Bailey and Pransky, 2014) I have spent the last ten years understanding cognitive science to the point...
Do reflective teachers teach better? There is very little empirical evidence on the connection between teacher reflection and the quality of teaching. However, a caring teacher may simply have an advantage in terms of teaching quality and engagement. This new study examines the connection between teachers’ personal development (reflection), their commitment and the quality of teaching. Why is this important? At a time when more is required of educators, it’s not just about theoretical skills. The study by Huang et al. The study, conducted in 2023 among 998...
Do shorter schedules lead to better teacher performance and retention? New research using English school staff census data has revealed links between the number of hours teachers spend with students (contact hours), the complexity of working hours, students’ GCSE results and teacher turnover. The article begins with a familiar scenario. It’s the end of the academic year and...
Retrieval practice is an effective learning strategy that improves students’ long-term knowledge retention and strengthens their ability to retain and apply knowledge. By actively retrieving information from memory, students engage in a process that accelerates learning and strengthens connections in their brains....