If you’re here at the Teachers Blog and you read blogs like this, rest assured that education is something interests that you have focused on.And that’s completely understandable, because education is important. The education system is actually one of the cornerstones of modern society. This is where people acquire the knowledge and skills they need to realize their dreams and ambitions.

But try telling that to little children.

The truth is that you could lecture young students all day about the importance of a good education, but most would stop listening after five minutes; which clearly illustrates the problem.If you were to ask your students what they would like to do on a given day, the honest answer would probably not include schoolwork. They want to do something that is fun and interesting for them. And unfortunately, elementary school work doesn’t always allow these things to be possible for every student. For example, if they are not interested in math, they are unlikely to change their mind no matter how many problems you give them to solve. And the beginnings of their training set the tone for the future.Associating school with boredom can cause them to become reluctant students. Instead, it is very important that schoolwork is fun or at least exciting for them. But how can we make learning fun?


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Play Hard, Work Hard

Fortunately, teachers have realized that there is an easy way to solve this problem. This requires a reconsideration of how children begin to learn. They play. A child’s cognitive and physical development is not guided by the knowledge that it is important to deal with the situation.They develop these things as a completely unintended side effect of pleasure and fun. This principle can also be applied to structured lessons to help students find learning fun.

If you can’t get a student interested in a topic, you need to present it in an engaging way. For example, you can simply give students a worksheet with lots of math problems and hope for the best. You can also create a game or story about the issues to keep them interested. Board games are a simple concept that you can use to encourage students to solve various problems. You can also build a story around the problems and make it a
-themed adventure.So instead of just solving mathematical equations, they find the answers needed to crack the code.

I often used mathematics as an example because as a student it was my favorite example of a subject that didn’t interest me. But obviously different people have different item preferences. Fortunately, with enough creativity, this approach can be applied to any topic. And it doesn’t have to be a sedentary exercise.Of course, you can create as many English games as you want on your desktop. However, with a little practice, you can turn it into an adventure that your students will enjoy taking part in.


This doesn’t mean you should put games aside to encourage students to see learning as fun. The classroom is not just a place for learning; it is also a community. It’s always a good idea to start the school year with activities that encourage student bonding.Games are also a good way to refresh students’ motivation and concentration between different activities.

Ultimately, it may be tempting to be stubborn and expect students to “just act,” but it is rarely a good idea. Changing your approach and meeting students halfway often makes their lives easier, which in turn makes yours easier. If you try to make learning fun for your students, you will encounter less resistance.

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