The Importance of Promoting Reading
When it comes to discoveries that have accelerated human progress, there is probably something that has had a greater impact than the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel. The invention of writing and reading gave us the enormous advantage of being able to record information in ways other than simple memorization. Of course, not everyone agrees with reading for millennia. The Greek philosopher Socrates was not a proponent of reading as a learning tool. He thought it would affect his memory.
This shows that even famous historical figures can make mistakes. Studies have shown that regular reading can actually help improve memory. This is actually just one of the many personal benefits that regular reading can bring to an individual. These other benefits include mental stimulation, better concentration, increased empathy, and more. I won’t go any further with this list because the fact that you can read means that you know how good it is to read.
Let’s get to the topic that interests us. How to encourage children to develop their reading skills? Because for young children, reading can seem like a secret art form. You look at all the letters pressed together and you kind of figure out what they mean. This may seem like an extremely daunting challenge.Of course, there are other complications, because reading is much more than understanding the literal meaning of words. Reading comprehension also includes understanding the additional meaning that context brings.
When it comes to practical advice, there are two different approaches to helping children develop their reading skills once they have mastered the basics. The first option is to offer them structured reading exercises aimed, for example, at identifying specific information in a text and determining how one piece of information changes the context of another. This tactic never stops being helpful, but it is very effective in helping children strengthen their basic reading skills.The more they improve their basic reading skills, the easier it will be for them to read. And the easier it is to do something, the more likely they are to do it.
The second tactic you can try is much simpler. You simply encourage them to keep reading. It’s not as easy as you make it. As we’ve already mentioned, reading can be quite a frightening affair for young children. Especially in a time when multimedia content is available on screens that are much easier to consume.That’s why it’s important to make reading easier for them and help them find joy in it. A natural starting point is to read the stories and then slowly move on to reading more and more yourself.
Another approach is to read regularly. After all, children learn more from your example than from what you say. It is also worth creating a bright and cozy place for reading.Even if you encourage them to do so, they should ultimately feel that reading is their choice. In this case, they will be more determined to try than if they felt compelled to do so. Giving them a variety of books to choose from rather than just one option can be really helpful.
Ultimately, reading is an essential skill that offers many personal benefits. So you might as well try to be good at it.